
For those unfamiliar with web development (and especially JSPs and Servlets), a number of guides have been created to help you develop your first web application.

First Web Application#

This guide gives you an overview of the tools you will use during development (Tomcat, Render, Maven, etc.). It also provides a walk-through guide to creating your first Servlet and JSP, passing parameters between Servlets and JSPs, and querying your application’s database.

JSPs and Servlets#

In this subject, you will create an application using Java Server Pages (JSPs) and Servlets. This guide will provide you an overview of both.

Introduction to Maven#

This guide gives you an overview of the build tool we will use this semester - Maven. It introduces Maven and how it specifies projects using the POM file, as well as how to add dependencies in your project.

Introduction to Java and PostgreSQL#

This is a demo for students who are new to using Java to query an SQL database.

Tools and Plugins#

Some of the teaching team’s favourite tools and plugins for IntelliJ to help you as you complete your project.